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Our God and Father surely knows
The evils that so oft oppose,
And hinder us along the way.
He knows the trials of every day.
He knows of each corroding care
That crowds our footsteps everywhere;
The burden of each breaking heart
Is known to Him; He bears a part.
God knows it all, and cares for me.
He watches o’er me lovingly,
And day by day more precious grows
The knowledge that my Father knows.
Our sorrows and forboding fears,
Our anxious longings and our tears;
Each cherished hope left unfulfilled,
Each heart-cry that has not been stilled
My disappointments even may
Be His appointments for this day,
But He will help me with my load
Along life's rough and toilsome road.
God knows it all, and cares for me.
He watches o’er me lovingly,
And day by day more precious grows
The knowledge that my Father knows.
Until His love and care are spent
I’ll keep my anxious heart content,
For, tho this world will cease to be,
God lives and loves and cares for me!
Music: Jerry Dan Deutschendorf
© 2014 Jerry D. Deutschendorf