Poems  |  Songs  |  Videos
SingPraises.church Terms and Conditions of Use and Limited Copyright License

Section 1 – Definitions

a.	Merchandise means media such as songs, including music files (regardless of format), 
with or without vocals, chord charts, lyrics, poems, photographs, videos, and any other 
goods that are bought and sold.
b.	Commercial means making or intending to make a profit.
c.	Non-Commercial means not making or intending to make a profit, including the absolute 
provision that there is no payment of monetary compensation in connection with the exchange 
of goods offered.
d.	You means the individual or entity exercising the Licensed Rights under this License. 
Your has a corresponding meaning.
e.	Licensor means the individual(s) or entity(ies) granting rights under this License.
f.	SPC means SingPraises.church.

Section 2 - Fees

2.1	There are no fees associated with use of the SingPraises.church website or the 
SingPraises.church Limited Copyright license. The Licensor specifically intends a 
Non-Commercial exchange of goods offered via the SPC website via the SPC 
Limited Copyright license.

2.2	Furthermore as the exchange of goods offered via the SPC Limited Copyright license 
is Non-Commercial, it follows that none of the media offered via said license is to be 
considered merchandise.

Section 3 - Rights Granted

3.1	Licensor grants to You, subject to Your compliance with all terms and conditions 
specified herein, the non-exclusive and revocable rights to media in the SingPraises.church 
Media Database for the following uses:

a.	To print Songs, Photographs and/or Poems
b.	To play Songs and Videos in their original, unaltered format.
c.	To display photographs in their original, unaltered format.
d.	To perform Songs and Poems.
e.	To copy and share media with others.
f.	To utilize electronic storage and retrieval methods for the audio and/or visual 
    projection of Songs, Photographs, Poems and/or Videos.
g.	To record Songs, Photographs, Poems and/or Videos in Church worship services by 
    either audio or audio-visual means.

3.2	All rights are revocable by Licensor at the behest of the media owners. Notifications 
will be made via the SPC website if and when a revocation occurs. Upon notification of 
revocation of license, you must cease and desist from all activities pursuant to 
3.1 (a) – (f), excepting fair use of media as allowed by law.

Section 4 - Restrictions

4.1 The following rights are excluded:

a.	Rental or sale of media, including copies created pursuant to 2.1 (a)-(g) for any 
form of direct or indirect remuneration or consideration, whether by way of direct payment, 
gift, donation, freewill offering, etc.
b.	Language translations of the Songs and/or Poems not expressly approved by 

4.2	In addition to those restrictions set forth in 3.1 above, any and all rights not 
expressly granted to You by this agreement are reserved by the respective owner(s) of 
the media. All commercial use of media published or displayed on the SingPraises.church 
website(s) is reserved by the respective owner(s) of the media. 

Section 5 - SingPraises.church Duties

5.1 SingPraises.church shall maintain and update a database of participating copyright 
owners and the media each has make available via the SingPraises.church website.

5.2 Before accepting submissions to the database, SingPraises.church shall verify that 
each media entry is indeed owned and copyrighted by the specified copyright owner and
that the owner and author of the work agree to the SingPraises.church Terms and Conditions.

Section 6 - Licensee Duties

6.1 You agree not to alter or change the lyric, melody, or fundamental character of any 
Song, Poem, Photograph or Video.

6.2 You agree that each reproduced version of a Song will contain the Song title, 
writer credit(s), and copyright notice in substantially the following form:
“Rejoice Evermore,” words and music by John Doe
© 2015 Great Music Co.
Used without cost by permission of SingPraises.church and copyright owner(s).

6.3 You agree to comply with the terms and conditions of SingPraises.church and of 
this SingPraises.church License.

Section 7 - Termination

7.1 SPC and You shall have the right to terminate this license at any time. All 
terminations shall be effective 7 days after receipt of written notice of termination.

7.2 In addition SingPraises.church shall have the right to terminate this license 
for any of the following reasons:

a. Non-compliance with the terms and conditions of this SingPraises.church License, 
in which case said termination shall be effective either (a) 7 days after your receipt of 
written notice of termination, or (b) immediatly and concurrent with Your demonstrated 

7.3 In the event of termination, You agree to sign an affidavit of liability stating
that You agree to be liable in the event of Your continued unauthorized use of media
obtained from SPC while You were originally licensed to do so.

Section 8 - Assignment or Transfer

8.1 This license cannot be assigned or transferred by Registered User without 
SingPraises.church express written approval.