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"Freely you received, freely give." - Matthew 10: 8b


This website hosts a number of songs, most written by me, Jerry Dan Deutschendorf. In honor of my earthly father, I am also known as Jerry Dan son of Abraham.


The songs GOD has given through me are bible-based songs recorded in a variety of musical styles and suitable for use in church settings. Each song is referenced to Scripture and linked to BibleGateway.com so anyone can clearly determine how the lyrics match up with what the Bible says.


These songs were recorded at GreenJeans Studios under the extremely capable hands of Mr. Carter Green. Carter is a gifted musician and producer and I am blessed to call him my friend.


GOD has led me to make these songs available via this website so that anyone can listen to and use them free of charge. 


The singprasies.church terms and conditions basically state that all use of media on or obtained from SingPraises.church must be non-commercial.


So listen and if you like, then download and share as GOD leads you.


If you have further questions or comments, please email me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


May the blessings of Christ Jesus be with us all!


Jerry Dan Deutschendorf