Scripture Reference: Hebrews 11: 1-39, Hebrews 12: 1-3
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Consider Abel, Enoch, and Noah.
Father Abraham,
Sarah, Issac, and Jacob
Joseph in a foreign land.
Moses and the children of Israel
Rahab from Jericho
David, Samuel, and the prophets;
On and on we could go!
Through history, a great cloud of witnesses
Surrounds us on every side;
While to Jesus we run, yes toward God’s only Son:
He who lives, and was crucified!
Christ endured the shame of the cross
For the joy God set before Him!
Because He did not fear, we can press on, draw near,
And endure by faith ‘til the end!
For without faith, we can never please Him,
So let’s endure by faith ‘til the end!
Music: Jerry Dan Deutschendorf
© 2014 Like A Lot Songs LLC