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A pagan woman, an ancient enemy,

Whose daughter was suffering

Demon-possessed cruelly,

Cried, "Lord, have mercy,

Son of David!" is what Matthew heard.

But Jesus did not answer a word.


The disciples came to Jesus

They said, "Send this woman away!"

"She keeps crying and calling after us."

They waited to see what Jesus would say.

Jesus answered their pitiful lament

Saying, "Only to the lost sheep of Israel was I sent."


The woman then knelt and worshiped

Before the Savior of all mankind,

Crying, "Lord, help me Jesus!"

"Heal my daughter, she's out of her mind!"


These are the words Jesus then said,

"It is not right to take the children's bread"

"and toss it to the dogs."


"Yes, Lord," said the woman,

"But even the little dogs will eat

The crumbs that fall from the table

Lying round their master's feet!"


"O Woman, great is your faith!"

said Jesus to the one who kneeled.

"Be it done for you, just as you have asked!"

And that very moment her daughter was healed!


A pagan woman, an ancient enemy,

But Jesus knew how great a faith had she!



Words & Music: Jerry Dan Deutschendorf

© 2018 Jerry D. Deutschendorf