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Which parts of the Bible

Can we safely ignore today?

How many are the scriptures

We chose not to obey?


When the words that we discard

From the Truth, the Life, the Way

Will forever stand

Against us.


Did the Word of God

Originate with me or you?

Did it spring up from your enlightened culture,

Or your nation's customs and views?


O all of the nations

In the scales of GOD they weigh

Like specks of dust from which we were formed

And which we shall return to one day.


To the angels of the churches

The Spirit speaks - have you heard?

He who has an ear, let him hear

The Holy Spirit's Words!


Wake up! Strengthen what remains!

Remember, repent, and obey,

Or else He will come just like a thief.

Will He find our garments soiled on that day?


Which parts of the Bible

Can we safely ignore today?


Words & Music: Jerry Dan Deutschendorf

© 2018 Jerry D. Deutschendorf